Fused Glass



Fused Glass

Fused Glass

Amethyst, Cubic Zirconia and Sterling Silver

Amethyst, Cubic Zirconia and Sterling Silver

Not Again!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Yes , I have been tweaking away as I seemed to have a creative moment and decided I needed to freshen up the website a little.

Think I may have gone a little over the top with this one but it should grab some attention.

Buying up a bit of stock since the dollar has been so strong and now I have at least two days of photography to do then I need to set out and upload the new pages to the website so again I am going to be busy , busy, busy...

I will be consolidating this blog and my other product based blog into one magazine style page and hopefully the gallery will work well enough that I can update this instead of adding to the website as it takes up sooooo much of my time.

Take a look around the new site and let me know what you think would love some feed back...

Back soon..


Tweaking Again...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Well yes I have spent the entire weekend adjusting my website and pretty proud of the result too mind you..
Except for the fact that I forgot to put my contact details on the contacts page.
Unfortunately that's what happens when you look at some thing for way too long, always over look the obvious.
Anyway I have posted a link to it here so everyone can see my handy work.
There will be some more posts during the week, once I have caught up on some sleep!!


A No-Brainer

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If you are looking at getting into internet sales or any others sales for that matter, be it direct marketing, party plan,etc make sure you have a niche.
When my business started out my main focus was providing good quality commercially made jewellery at prices the every day person could afford.
All us girls love jewellery and it is a luxury item but we shouldn't have to pay huge mark ups for the privilege.

Mistake No 3 - No Marketing Strategy

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This one is huge and one that I am proud to say I actually did my home work on.
The big thing here is to know your market and the best ways to access them.
Knowing your demographic is an important part of how you market your product.

Mistake No 2

Moving on from my error in accumulating inventory I now had a problem with where I was going to sell.
I always wanted a little boutique type store either in the mountains or by the beach but due to the fact that I was just starting out and needed to also work a day job to bring home the bacon and pay for my inventory this obviously was not going to be feasible. (I told you, doing my homework was not one of better traits as a child!)
Ahhh.. the Internet.

Mistake No1

In the beginning there was an idea, this idea spawned a plan, the plan grew and then there was action!
Well sort of.
Had the idea, got carried away with the possibilities and completely forgot about the plan.
So what did I do?

In the Beginning..

Starting out in my current business nearly 18 months ago I found the experience exciting and yet thoroughly daunting.
I always knew I wanted to be involved in jewellery and fashion  but my professional life was based in finance and accounting which was so far removed from the creative side I had always wanted to explore that I never really thought it would be possible to follow this path.
That was until 2 years ago when I started looking at the possibilities through completely different eyes.